How can I get more information about my translations?

In this article, you will learn where to find useful information about your translations in your Translation List.

1. Where can I find information about my translations?

Visit your Weglot dashboard > Project > Translation and select a language to display all of your generated translations. Next to each translation, you will see a button with 3 lines when you hover over the translation. 

Click on it:

2. What kind of information can I get?

You will have access to 5 different tabs:

a. Translation

Here, you can manually edit the translation and switch to the « Raw HTML » view to see the HTML tags on your translation (if you have some).

Here is an article we made about the raw and styled views.

You can also add the translation to your cart if you want to order a professional translation (see an article about it here) or delete the translation.

You also have an option « Open Visual Editor » that opens the Visual Editor with the corresponding translation in a new tab of your browser.

Here are some pieces of information about the Visual Editor.

b. Information

Here you can find some information concerning your translation:

  • The type of the translation (Text, Meta (SEO), Media, External Link)
  • The labels can help you, for example, to group some translations and find them easily thanks to the search feature of the Translation List (see more here)
  • The URLs associated with the translation and links to the corresponding pages (see more here)
  • A section to assign the translation to a precise user participating in your Weglot project (here is another way to assign translations)
  • The number of words translated (related to the selected language; this amount is taken into account to calculate your global word count)
  • The creation date
  • The last date when the translation was seen
  • A « Note » section to put any information that you find relevant

Please note that each translation is linked to one URL. If you have the same content displayed on several pages, it will be linked to the shortest URL

c. History

You'll have access to the translation's last edition date and to the translation type (machine, human or professional).

You also have an option to restore an old translation.

Note that if you restore an automatic translation, it will be marked as a manual translation.

d. Variables

Variables are here to merge very similar translations, only having a small part of them changing.

This « Variables » tab allows you to check the variables that are applied to the translation.

If no variables are applying to the chosen translation, then you have the possibility to add new ones.

If you want to know more about variables, here is an article we made.

e. Suggestions

Suggestions are alternate automatic translations. They are usually present on single words and allow you to choose between several translations if you are not satisfied with the one chosen.

You can choose a translation by clicking on the « Apply this suggestion » button.

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