Does Weglot provide any statistics or data?

In this article, you'll learn what kind of statistics and data Weglot can provide regarding your translated pages and languages.

Weglot provides different features that allow you to have some statistics and data related to your translated pages and languages

1. The statistics

If you are managing a Pro plan or higher (see our Pricing Documentation), you can access the Statistic feature in your Weglot Dashboard > Your project > Translation requests.

This feature allows you to see the timeline of the translation requests with a breakdown by language as well as the five more visited URLs

a. Translation Requests:

Here, you can see the number of visits you had for each language by selecting a period:

b. Translation requests by URL:

Here, you can see the five most visited URLs on your website and the number of visits for each language on the right side:

Suppose you need any further data or statistics. In that case, we recommend using an external tool such as Google Analytics (see Can I use Google Analytics on my translated version(s)?)

2. Page views

If you are managing a Pro plan or higher (see our pricing documentation), you have access to the Page views feature present in your Weglot Dashboard > Your project > Page views.

a. Page views by countries

As mentioned on this page, once the feature is activated, whenever a visitor loads a page on your website (regardless of the language it displays), Weglot logs the country from where the visit originates.

b. Browser languages

On the right side, you can see which browser's language your visitors are using:

Those two indications help you know where your visitors come from and which language they could be interested in seeing on your website.

From here, you can also add a new language by clicking on the "Add" button right next to the language:

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