How to permanently delete a translation?

In this article, you'll learn how to permanently delete a translation from your website.

To permanently delete a translation from your Weglot project, follow these two steps. If you miss either step, the translation will reappear on the translated version of your website and your Weglot Dashboard.

First Step: Exclude original content from the translation process

First, you'll have to prevent Weglot from translating the content to ensure that your content won't be translated in the future. There are two ways to achieve this: 

  1. Delete the original content from your original website.


  2. Keep it on your website, but exclude the original content from the translation process. The content will still be available but no longer be translated by Weglot.

    To learn more about this feature, please see this article from our FAQ.

Second Step: Remove the content from your Translation List

Even though your content is now excluded from the translation process, the translations will remain stored in your Translation List (Weglot Dashboard > Translations > Languages and select the desired language pair). To make the deletion effective, you must remove it from your Translation List yourself.

You can use the Search Filters feature to quickly find translations in your Translation List (see Search Filters - How to easily find a translation?).

Here are your options:

1) Remove multiple translations (in one URL or filter results)

  • Use the bulk selection by clicking on the checkbox in the top bar; this will select all translations on this page.
  • Then, click on "Select all" to select all translations matching the filter(s) selected.
  • Finally, click on the trash icon at the bottom right.

2) Individually:

  • When hovering over a translation, a trash icon will be displayed to the right of each translation.
  • Click on this icon to permanently delete this specific translation.
  • You can use the search bar at the top to find the translation you want to remove.

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