Getting Started with Weglot AI

In this article, you'll learn how to install and start using Weglot AI to translate your website.

1. Create your account

Go to and create your account.

If you already have a Weglot account, you cannot use it in Weglot AI. You need to create a new account, as it's a separate product. Why?

2. Configure your website and languages

Add your website's URL, then select the languages you want to translate into.

Example website
Example: translating an English website into French and Spanish

3. Configure your language model

The AI will automatically detect what your website is about, generate a brief website description, and select a tone and audience based on your content. You can review these settings and add additional instructions to the translation model.

💡 If you already have manual translations, you can use the 'Import' button to import them from the start. The model will use these translations when translating new sentences.

Configure your language model

4. Translate your first pages

You can scan your website and select the pages you want to translate. During the onboarding process, you can scan up to 10 pages, but you can add more later.

Use the checkboxes to select your pages and click the "Add selected pages" button.

Scan and select pages to translate

5. View translations on your staging environment

Weglot AI will generate a staging environment. This is your translated website, hosted on a Weglot-generated URL, allowing you to review it before going live.

  • Open your staging environment – You should see the language button at the bottom left.

    Open your staging environment to see your translated website

  • Click the language button to modify the language.
Click the language button to modify the language
  • Continue to the dashboard to manage your translations !
  • What are the next steps:
    • Verify and manually edit your translations if needed.
    • Add more pages for translation.
    • Explore AI features.
    • When ready, go live by adding a production environment.
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