How can I reduce my word count?
In this article, you will learn more about the different methods you can follow to optimize and reduce your word count.
1. How can I know that I reached my word limit?
The number of words that you can translate depends on the plan you are managing.
You can see the word limits depending on the plans directly on our pricing documentation.
You can check your word usage by going to your Weglot dashboard to see if you have reached your limit or are close to it.
If you have several organizations, you can click on the Weglot logo and then see the number of words translated for each organization:
If you only have one organization or are connected to a precise organization, you can use the "Overview" tab and take a look at your plan usage:
When you reach your word limit, you also have a warning at the top-right of your dashboard:
2. What happens if I reach my word limit?
The behavior you face when you reach your word count limit depends on the plan you are managing.
If you have a Free plan, no more translations will be displayed and you will need to get under your limit to see the translations back.
Otherwise, no additional translations will be generated, which can lead to a mix of translated and untranslated content on the translated version of your website.
3. How can I reduce the word count?
There are several ways to make your word count decrease and go back under your limit:
- Remove translations (see: How to definitely remove a translation?)
- Remove potential inactive translations (see: How can I remove inactive translations?)
- Exclude some URLs or blocks from translation (see: How to exclude URLs/blocks/words from translation?) (Don't forget to remove the translations regarding the URL you have excluded)
- Create variables in your Translation List. Doing this allows you to merge similar translations, saving on your translated word count. Hit the "Actions" button at the top right, and choose "View variable suggestions" from the dropdown. (see: How can I add variables to my translations?)
Finally, if you exceed your limit but all the translations are useful, you can upgrade your plan (see: (Pricing Documentation)).