How to use the Search and Replace feature?

In this article, you'll learn how to use the Search and Replace feature to edit your translations.

Weglot proposes the Search and Replace feature, which allows you to replace some content in bulk in all your translations.

In order to do that, you can go into your Weglot Dashboard > Your Project, then select a language pair by clicking on it:

You should now see all the translations related to the language pair you've selected. You can now click on "Actions" > "Search and replace" in the top right corner:

This will open the following popup:

Now, you have to enter the content you'd like to replace and select the different options* present here, depending on what you prefer

*Mark as reviewed: If you enable this option, all the translations that will be affected by the search and replace will become "marked as reviewed" instead of "automatic" (if it wasn't already the case)

*Case sensitive: If you enable this option, Weglot will make the difference between uppercase and lowercase letters present in your content

⚠️ Each field should contain at least one character for the feature to work.

Once you are done, you should see a preview of the number of translations that will be affected by the Search and Replace, for example:

Finally, click on the button to replace your translations, and it's done!

Do not forget to clean your browser cache and refresh the page to see the new changes on your website.

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