How to switch from staging to production environment?

In this article, you'll find out how to switch from a staging environment to a live one and discover the easiest way to proceed.

1. I have a temporary URL that will change later

2. I'm already managing 2 different websites

3. Additional information

Firstly, your translations are directly linked to the API key of your Weglot project and not to the domain of your website or its status (staging or live).

1. I have a temporary URL that will change later

If you've set up Weglot on a staging website with a temporary URL and plan to change this URL later to manage your own domain, you don't need to do anything. This is because Weglot will still be working, and it will not affect your translations or your settings.

We recommend editing the URL of your website on the Dashboard > Settings > General and save the changes to avoid any issues with the Visual Editor:

2. I'm already managing 2 different websites

If your staging website and your live website have 2 different URLs, and their content is identical, you can either:

a. Manage each website from the same project by configuring Weglot on both the staging and live environments using the same API key. In this case, you'll share the same settings and translated languages on both websites.

b. Manage each website from a different project by following the second part of this guide: How can I manage my project(s)?

This is recommended, especially if:

  • Your content is not identical on both websites.
  • You wish to manage different languages/settings on each website.
  • You are using a subdomain integration (see part 3 below).

3. Additional information

If you are managing or if you plan to manage a subdomain integration, you'll have to create one project per website/domain. Otherwise, it could create some conflicts with your translations and the translated version(s) of your website. To check which integration you currently have, feel free to check out the following article: How does Weglot manage SEO?

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