Bubble - Why hasn't my content been translated?

In this article, you’ll find out why your Bubble website is not translated or only partially.

You may have encountered this issue if:

  • You’ve set up Weglot (if not, please follow our integration guide on Bubble),
  • The country selector is displayed on your Bubble website,
  • You tried to change the language using the country selector, but your website doesn't translate, or only partially.

This may happen because Bubble technology loads your content dynamically, and Weglot cannot detect it during its initial scan. You’ll have to translate it as dynamic content. Here is the process: 

1. Go to your Weglot Dashboard > Settings > Bubble Settings

2. Click on “Add Dynamic”

3. Add “.bubble-element” into the “Selector” field. Please be careful not to forget the point before “bubble-element”. You can also add a description in the bottom field

4. Finally, click on “Save”

Once added, please note that you may have to clear your browser cache and refresh the page to see if your content has been translated. Don’t hesitate to hard-refresh your website's page (Mac: cmd shift R (lowercase) / PC: ctrl F5). If you still don’t see any changes, you can try to load your website through an incognito window.

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