How Weglot manages redirections

In this article, you will learn more about how Weglot manages redirections on your website.

Note: In this article, we will use "301 redirection." 301 means that a redirection is permanent.

1. Redirections without Weglot

Firstly, we can take a look at how redirections work without using Weglot.

On WordPress, if you create a page /about-us . Then decide to change this URL to /about .

Now, when you go on /about-us you have a 404 error page.

⇒ By default, there is no 301 redirection on WordPress.

However, you can use "Yoast Premium" or "Redirection" plugins to create a 301 redirection from /about-us to /about .

Once done, when you go on /about-us you will be redirected to /about .

Let's see how it works when you are using another tool than WordPress (Shopify is used here for the example).

When changing a URL on Shopify, you can choose (with a checkbox, see screenshot) if you want to create a redirection :

If you check the box, then go to /about-us you will be redirected to /about .

2. I am using Weglot's plugin for WordPress

If you have a redirection: /a/b

Then going on /fr/b will show the French page; however, going to /fr/a will redirect to /b and NOT /fr/b .

To have /fr/a redirect to /fr/b, you can try to add this filter (through the plugin Code Snippet):

add_filter( 'wp_redirect', 'wp_redirect_weglot' , 0 , 2 );
function wp_redirect_weglot( $url, $status ) {
	if( function_exists('weglot_get_current_language')) {
		$cl = weglot_get_current_language();
		$ol = weglot_get_original_language();
		if($cl !== $ol && strpos($url, '/' . $cl . '/') === false) {
			$u = weglot_get_service('Request_Url_Service_Weglot')->create_url_object($url)->getForLanguage( 
			return $u;
	return $url;

3. I am using another Weglot integration

To know if you are using a JavaScript integration or a subdomain/subdirectory integration, you can go to your Weglot dashboard > Go to your project > "Setup" page > Take a look at the "Subdomains or Subdirectories" toggle.

If it is switched on, it means that you are using a subdomain/subdirectory integration:

If it is switched off, it means that you are using a JavaScript integration.

a. I have a JavaScript integration

As the translation is done browser side without a specific URL, it will work. Meaning that if you go on /a , you will be redirected to /b and then it will translate when you are on /b .

b. I have a subdomain/subdirectory integration

The subdomain and subdirectory integrations keep the redirections, which means that if you have a redirection: /a/b and then go to , you will be redirected to .

The same also holds for subdirectories.

If you have any difficulties with redirections on your translated versions, you can contact us directly at

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