Toddle - Integration / Setup

Let’s make your toddle website multilingual

Translate all your content and make your toddle website multilingual within minutes.

1) Create an account on Weglot

All your translations will be stored and managed on your Weglot account. Simply create a Weglot account here:

2) Select “Other” as your website technology.

3) Add your domain URL, original language, and desired translated language(s).

You'll be shown a screen where you can indicate your website language and the languages you want to translate it to:

3) Choose the “JavaScript Integration” option

You should receive a validation email in the account with which you signed up.

After validating your email, you will be redirected to the Weglot setup page, as shown below. Scroll down to the end of the form and click on “Connect Weglot to your website without it.”

4) Add your new languages

You’ll then be prompted to enter the original language of your website and the new language(s) you want to translate and display your site in.

Click “Next”.

5) Copy the API key.

6) Add Weglot to your toddle website

  • Create a new branch and go in the editor
  • On the left hand-side, client on the Files icon

  • Click on the page you want to modify, here it’s HomePage

  • On the right hand-side, click on the page url, here it’s /

  • Click on Head AssetsAdd external resource

  • Type : script & Content : Empty
  • Attribute : src & Content : → insert your Weglot api_key

Click Done , you can now test or deploy your site that will now have the Weglot language switcher

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