Can I make some technical customizations?

In this article, you'll learn how to make some technical customization with your Weglot project(s) and integrations if you need

I'm using WordPress

I'm using a different integration

Important information

Weglot proposes a default integration with specific features depending on the technology you are using
However, Weglot also provides a developer's documentation in which you'll be able to find some useful functions and methods if you'd like to create something more custom


On WordPress, we provide different helpers functions that can help you to make some customizations

Or if you have some untranslated content, some translations hooks could be helpful to detect and translate the content

Different integration:

If you are using another integration, you have the possibility to add some options to your Weglot code snippet in order to change/add a specific behavior with Weglot

You'll also find some extra tools/methods that will allow you to make further adjustments, such as plugging your own language switcher with the Weglot translations, for example

Important information:

Please note that in terms of untranslated content, if you are not sure about the code, don't hesitate to reach our support team at

Also, in terms of design and/or customizations, we are only providing the functions, we don't have the code, so you may have to see with your developer(s)

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