Weebly - Integration / Setup

Translate your Weebly website.

Translate all your content and make your Weebly website multilingual within minutes.

1) Create a Weglot account

Your Weglot account dashboard lets you view and manage all your translations. Simply create a Weglot account here.

2) Enter your target language(s) and your domain URL

First, you will need to indicate the language(s) you want to translate your website into.

After clicking on "Next", simply enter your domain name and URL type:

(Please do not use your temporary domain name ending with .weebly.com.) 

Click “Next” to go to the next step.

3) Configure the subdomains/subdirectories in your DNS records

Here comes the most crucial step: you’ll create new entries in your DNS (Domain Name System) record list to connect Weglot to your website and ensure a unique URL for each language. The subdomains or subdirectories will display the translated versions of your Weebly website once configured!

Don’t worry if this seems complicated–it’s quite simple. 

Two possible situations: you bought your domain name via Weebly or another domain provider (Google Domain, 1to1, GoDaddy, …).

A. If Weebly manages your domain name:

Simply go on your Weebly website dashboard, click your website name in the top-right corner, and click on “Domain” as shown below:

Then select the domain that is connected to your website:

Once you’ve clicked, you will see a table called “DNS records”. Click on “Edit”:

Finally, click on “Add Record”. Select CNAME as the “Type” and add the entries shown on your Weglot installation process. In the end, it should look like the screenshot below. Click “Save” and wait a few minutes.

B. If your domain name is managed outside of Weebly:

If you bought your domain name via an external provider (like GoDaddy, 1&1, Gandhi, Google Domains, etc.), go to your account and access the DNS section to add the entries for each language into which you’re translating your site.

If you are not sure how to do this or where to find your DNS records, we can help you. Just email us at support@weglot.com.

4) Validate the DNS entries

Once you’ve added and saved your entries, return to your Weglot account tab and click “Check DNS.” The red cross should be replaced by a green check icon. This means the DNS entries were successfully configured. Then, click on “Next”.

5) Install the Weglot library

This is the very last step of the installation process. We will add a little JavaScript code snippet to display a language-switch button on your website.

It’s very simple; you just need to complete the following steps (also shown in the GIF below):

Inside your Website edit mode, go to Settings > SEO; find the “Header Code” section, and copy/paste the JavaScript snippet provided on your Weglot account page. Finally, click “Save” and then click “Publish”.

6) You’re all done!

Go to your website and see the language-switch button at the bottom right. It might take a few minutes to appear, so don’t worry if you must wait a bit.

Try changing the language when the language switcher appears–and, like magic, your website is multilingual! You can now go to your Weglot dashboard to manage all your translations.

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