HelpScout - Integration / Setup

In this article, you'll learn to translate all your content and make your HelpScout docs multilingual within minutes.

1. Create a Weglot account

Your Weglot account is where you'll have all your translations and where you can manage/edit them. Simply create a Weglot account here.

2. Create your project and enter your domain name and the languages you want

Once you have created your account, you have to create your project. You must give it a name and select the technology of your website. Here, we will go with "Other":

Then, click on the "Next" button.

In the following step, simply enter the language from which you are translating and the languages you are translating to:

After clicking on "Next", enter your domain name and the URL type you want (DO NOT USE your HelpScout subdomain ending with Then, click "Next" to go to the next step.

If you don't want to configure the subdomains yet, you can skip it by selecting "connect Weglot to your website without it" on your Weglot installation page (if so, go directly to step 4). You can set up your subdomains or subdirectories to have SEO-friendly docs later.

3. Configure subdomains or subdirectories in your DNS records

Here comes the most crucial step: you will add new entries to your DNS (Domain Name System) record to connect Weglot to your Help Scout subdomain or subdirectories and be able to have dedicated URLs for each language. The subdomains will display the translations of your docs once configured!

Go to your DNS provider where you manage the domain name of your Help Scout docs (like GoDaddy, 1&1, Google Domain, etc…).

If you are using GoDaddyGoogle DomainsNamecheap, or Hostinger, you can see how to do it in the videos below:

Access the DNS section to add the entries and copy/paste the entries shown to you in the Weglot installation process.

IMPORTANT: Concerning subdomains, if your Help Scout docs are already on a subdomain like, you need to add the second entry to

If you are not sure how to do it or where it is, we can help you. Just email us at

When you've added and saved your entries, return to your Weglot account tab and click "Check DNS." You should have two green check icons. It means the DNS entries were successfully configured. Then, click on "Next".

4. Install the Weglot library

This is the very last step of the installation process. We will add a little JavaScript code snippet to display a language button on your website to change languages easily.

Go to your Help Scout account, then click on "Manage" in the top left menu and select "Docs" (if you can not see the "Manage" tab, it means you do not have permission to access it. Ask for more permissions or ask the person in charge of your Help Scout account).

Select the Docs Site you want to translate, then click on "Custom Code" on the left bar menu.

Click in the Insert <head> Code field, go to the very end of the field, and paste the JavaScript code provided to you. Then click on save.

5. It's done!

Go to your website, and you should see the language button at the bottom right. It might take a few minutes to appear, so don't hesitate to wait a bit.

Try changing the language when the language switcher appears. Your website is now translated! You can now go to your Weglot dashboard to manage all your translations.

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