Unstack - Integration / Setup

Translate your Unstack website

Translate all your content and make your Unstack website multilingual within minutes.

Step 1: Create an account with Weglot

Once you’ve confirmed your account the next step is to name your project and select your website technology, in your case select ‘Other’.

2) Enter your target language(s) and your domain URL

First, you will need to indicate the language(s) you want to translate your website into.

After clicking on "Next", simply enter your domain name and URL type:

Step 3: Create language subdomains

Important for your multilingual SEO, this step sets up your language subdomains, e.g. https://es.mywebsite/ (for a Spanish version). 

You will need access to your domain name provider account. The following video demonstrates the process with GoDaddy –  check our videos for other domain name providers or contact us at support@weglot.com.

When adding your CNAME entries (as shown in the video), ‘name’ will be filled by the language code given to you in the Weglot setup process and the ‘data’ section is always ‘websites.weglot.com’. 

After saving your new entries in your domain name provider, go back to your Weglot account and click on the ‘Check DNS’ button. This should turn green but can take up to 10 minutes to do so.

Step 4: Add your language switcher

In this final step, you’ll add your language switcher. Copy and paste the piece of code currently showing in your Weglot setup process.

Paste this into your Unstack dashboard in ‘Integrations’ > ‘Custom’ > click on the +.  Name the integration ‘Weglot’, the ‘Page Placement’ should read ‘Head’ then paste the code in the box: 

Click ‘Save’.

Your Unstack website is now translated!

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