Ghost CMS - Integration / Setup

Translate your Ghost CMS website.

Translate your Ghost site from local to global in minutes with Weglot.

1) Create an account on Weglot

All your translations will be stored and managed on your Weglot account. Simply create a Weglot account here:

2) Select “Other” as your website technology.

3) Add your domain URL, original language, and desired translated language(s).

You'll be shown a screen where you can indicate your website language and the languages you want to translate it to:

After clicking on "Next", a screen where you can enter your website’s domain name (which you are probably hosting via a domain name provider like GoDaddy or 1&1, for instance) will be displayed.

You can still use the JavaScript integration at the bottom of the page if you don’t yet have a custom domain and are using your Ghost-provided “” domain. If this is the case, go directly to step 5 of this guide. You can add your custom domain later if you purchase one and connect it to Ghost.

Click “Next” to go to the next step.

4) Go to your DNS provider to add the CNAME entry provided by Weglot.

This will allow you to have a dedicated subdomain or subdirectory for each translated language and thus have a fully SEO-optimized website in all languages.

Head over to your domain name provider site and open your DNS records table. Here, you will need to add/edit the entries indicated in your Weglot dashboard.

For the subdomain integration, you will need, for each language, to create a new “CNAME”-type entry. Copy and paste the entry provided to you on your Weglot setup page into these respective spaces.

For the subdirectory integration, you will need to add a first entry (a "TXT" one) for the creation of the certificate and then edit an existing entry: either the root A entry or the "www" CNAME entry, if it exists.

Finally, go back to your Weglot setup page. Once your DNS entries have been successfully configured (you can refresh the status by clicking the “Check DNS” button at the bottom of the screen), you should see a green check icon. This means you can click “Next.”

5) Add a simple JavaScript snippet.

Copy the JavaScript snippet provided to you, you can also find it on your Weglot dashboard -> Settings -> Setup page.

Then go to your Ghost admin > Settings > Code injection > Site Header.

Add the JavaScript snippet provided by Weglot and save.

6) And voilà! Your blog or website is now multilingual!

Go to your website; you should now see the Weglot language switcher at the bottom right. Click on the translated language you selected and check out your newly-translated blog!

7) Manage your translations

Weglot provides you with a first layer of automatic translation, which is a great way to save a lot of time when managing your translations. You can edit your translations or order professional translations directly inside your Weglot Dashboard.

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