Jimdo - Integration / Setup

    How to make a Jimdo multilingual website

  • Translate all your content and make your Jimdo website multilingual within minutes.

1. Create an account on Weglot

This account is where you’ll be able to view and manage all your translations. Simply create a Weglot account here.

2. Create your project (~ 1 minute)

Once you created your account, you have to create your project. You must give it a name, and select the technology of your website, which is "Jimdo":

Click on the "Next" button to go to the following step.

3. Install the Weglot library

You will need to paste the JavaScript snippet provided to you when registering for your Weglot account, into the appropriate box on your Jimdo website admin space.

It’s easy, you just need to do the following steps (also shown in the GIF below):

    • Go to your Jimdo admin area, then click on "Menu" > "Settings" > "Edit Head"
    • Paste the JavaScript snippet provided to you in your Weglot account. It should look like the one in the screenshot below, except it’ll contain your actual API key instead of the placeholder "YOUR_API_KEY"
    • Click on "Save"
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.weglot.com/weglot.min.js"></script>
        api_key: 'YOUR_API_KEY',

If you want, you can then set up the subdomain integration of Weglot. 

**To do that, you must have your own domain name, and not a temporary Jimdo domain finishing with .jimdo.com

To do this, you can go to your Setup page, and check the following option:

After checking this option, in the next screen, you will then have to enter your domain URL.

Then, click on the “Next” button to go to the following step.

You now need to configure your DNS to create and connect the subdomains.

On your Weglot account setup, you’ll see the following DNS entries to add (Note: this example is for setting up English):

For the purposes of this example, we’re using Google Domains as our domain name provider – most other host providers will look similar to this one. But, please contact us at support@weglot.com if you need help with this step.

Now, go to your domain name provider account and to the section or page where you can manage the DNS (for instance, in Google Domains, it’s located under a tab on the left-side menu bar called DNS).

At this stage, you should be able to create new entries in the DNS section on your screen (in our example it’s in the section “Custom resource records”). Select CNAME as the type of entry.

Enter “ en” (if you are adding English) under the “Name” section and the value given to you, "xxx.translate-cf.weglot.io" under the "Data" section.

For the example, we added the record on Gandi:

If you have any issues figuring out where to find or how to update your DNS records, we can help you. Just email us at support@weglot.com.

Once you have added and saved the entries, go back to the Weglot page. You can click on “Check DNS” and a green check-mark icon should appear: this means everything has been successfully set up (This can sometimes take a couple of minutes or even 10, so don’t be alarmed if the green check-mark icon hasn’t appeared next to your DNS record yet). Click "Next".

You should then be able to access your translated pages in the subdomain URLs :)

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