Wix - Design a custom language button with Editor

In this article, you'll learn how to create your own language switcher on Wix and how to link it with Weglot

How do I switch languages?

We have a special link to switch to another language on Wix: change-language.weglot.com/xx where xx is your language code. You can find all the language codes here.

Create a new menu, link, button or anything clickable on your website with this kind of link and you will be able to switch language easily.

Using this way, your visitors will be able to change language and always have their preferred language when they come back to your website.

Example: create a dropdown in your main menu

1. Go to your Wix editor, on Site Menu tab, click on Add Menu Item then on Link.

2. First, add a decorative menu, choose Top / Bottom of Page type, and save.

3. You can name it Language, for example

4. Then, add another link, choose Web Address type, paste change-language.weglot.com/xx address where xx is your language code. You can find all the language codes here. Finally, choose Current window option and save.

Look at this example, we chose fr code, so this menu will redirect to the French-translated version:

5. You can create another link for other languages. Then, drag and drop your menu onto the subpage of your first "Language" menu; you should have something like this:

Note: you would also need to create the link for the original language; in our example, if you have two languages on your website, English (the original one) and French (the translated language), you would have two links:

  • change-language.weglot.com/en
  • change-language.weglot.com/fr

Done! You now have a new dropdown on your website menu.

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