Shopify - How to use Helium?

In this article, you'll find how to use Helium and how to manage your translations from the Shopify app. You'll be introduced to the Helium app.

⚠️  Helium is no longer available on the Shopify app store and can't be downloaded anymore.
If you are looking for a translations app, we recommend using Weglot
Also, if you still have Helium installed, you can still use it, so feel free to navigate through the different sections of this article to see how it's working

Helium is one of our translation apps, it uses the Shopify store language to generate translations.
Be aware that by using Helium you don't get a Weglot account. You should manage everything from Shopify directly.

Helium is a totally free app and we cannot provide email support for this app.
If you can’t find a solution in this article, you can use Shopify forums to ask the community.
Also, please note that we are focusing our effort on the Weglot app at the moment, on which we offer support as well

1. How to manage languages
2. Add a translated language
3. How to edit translations
4. How to edit the language switcher

1. How to manage languages

To find several options about your languages, click on "Manage languages" in the top left corner of the app.

In the beginning, your translations are private and only admin users can see them. 

For instance, you can see here that the French language is private in so far as it indicates "Unpublished".

To make the language public, click on "Publish". Therefore, all your visitors will be able to visit the translated version of your website.

When it's public, you'll see a green indicator written "Published" to let you know.

Notice that you can click on the eye icon to visit your store and see the translated version.

Also, as Helium uses Shopify's store language, you'll be able to manage your languages from your Settings > Store languages

You can find here all the languages you've added even if it's already published or not.

From here, you'll be able to delete the language, publish it, add a new one, or see the preview. By clicking on "Edit", you'll be redirected to the Helium App.

2. Add a translated language

In your Apps > Translate your store - Helium > Manage languages, you'll also see an option to add languages.

You just have to enter the language you want in the "Add language" area and finally click on the "Add" button. 

The new language you add will by default be unpublished. 

3. How to edit translations

In the Helium App, click on the category you want to translate and chose the element you want to edit.

For example here, we chose the category "Collection" and the element "Page d'accueil":

After clicking on it, you'll see words related to this element and you'll be able to edit it. The original text is on the left and you can see the translation on the right. 

Here, "Page d'accueil" is translated as "Home" in English.

By clicking on the little arrow (→), you will transfer the original text to the translation area.

4. How to edit the language switcher

In your Apps > Translate your store - Helium > Switcher settings, you will find some options about the language switcher.

Indeed, you can choose to display the language switcher or not. You'll find further details about this option by clicking on "Installation details and help".

You can also change the position of the button to the left or the right side.

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