Wix - Integration / Setup

How to make a Wix multilingual website

IMPORTANT: If you’ve yet to purchase your official domain name and are currently using a temporary Wix domain e.g. mywebsite.wixsite.com – you should follow this integration instead.

1) Find Weglot Translate on the Wix App Store

Head to the Wix App Store and search for Weglot Translate. Click on ‘Add to Site’

You’ll be asked to give Weglot Translate access, click ‘Allow and Add’.

2) Sign up for Weglot account

Next, create a Weglot account (this is where you’ll manage your translations). If you already have a Weglot account, you can simply sign in.

You’ll then be prompted to ‘Create a new project’ and give your project a name, for example, the name of your website. Then click ‘Save’.

If you already have a Wix project on your account, it will appear, and you'll be able to select it directly.

3) Add languages

In the next step select the original language of your website, then in the ‘Destination Languages’ drop-down, choose which languages you want to add to your Wix website.

Click Save. Your Wix website is now live! But to ensure your multilingual SEO ready, you’ll want to set up your subdomains or subdirectories.

4) Set up language-specific subdomains

To set up your language-specific subdomains (e.g. fr.mywebsite.com if your website is in French) or subdirectories (e.g. mywebsite.com/fr/ if your website is in French), click on ‘Activate subdomains’ from your Wix dashboard.

This will take you to your Weglot Dashboard. Go to ‘Settings’ and ‘Setup’. Scroll to the bottom of the page and toggle on ‘Enable Subdomains / Subdirectories’.

A pop-up will then ask you to click on ‘Enable’.

The next screen will ask you to add your domain name, then click ‘Next’. Your original language and translated languages will already be known.

You should also choose if you would like to use the subdomains-based or the subdirectories-based integration.

Then your DNS settings will be displayed (the language code will differ depending on the languages you’ve added).

To add them, go to your Wix ‘Settings’ and then ‘Manage Domain’. Click on the 3 dots and ‘Manage DNS Records’.

Scroll down to CNAME and ‘add Record’. The ‘Host Name’ will be the 2 letter language code given to you in your Weglot Dashboard and the ‘Value’ is ‘websites.weglot.com’. Click ‘Save Changes’.

Bought your domain outside of Wix?

The process will differ slightly. You will need to go to your account of your domain name provider and access the DNS section to add the entries. Check out our DNS videos or email us at support@weglot.com.

Go back to your Weglot Dashboard and click on the ‘Check DNS’ button, the red crosses will turn to green ticks when this has been finalized – this can take up to 10 minutes.

Note: you do not need to add the JavaScript code shown in the setting, as you’re using the Wix app integration.

A multilingual Wix website!

That’s it, you’ve successfully created a multilingual Wix website in just a few steps and with SEO-friendly language subdomains. You can start editing your website translation easily from the Weglot dashboard or with our Visual Editor.

If you need any help, email us at support@weglot.com.

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