WordPress - Can I use subdomains for each language?

In this article, you will learn if you can use subdomains for each language version of your WordPress website.

Would you like to have de.website.com in German or fr.website.com in French?

It's not currently possible to use several subdomains with Weglot Translate. But Weglot actually uses subdirectories in your URL to separate all the versions of your website.

For example, if your website is website.com, then the French version would be website.com/fr/, same for the German version website.com/de/, and so on. 

E.g. German version of the webpage below: 

E.g. French version of the webpage below: 

So, a unique URL is created for each version of your web page, which is important for your SEO. If you're interested in SEO, you can read the following article WordPress - How does Weglot manage your website's SEO?

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